
Friday, 2 September 2016

The Montessori Teacher

"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child´s intelligence as a fertile field
 in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination"
  Maria Montessori
 Being a recently retired Montessori teacher, for children between 2,5 -7 years of age, I decided I would visit the school where I have been working for the last 9 years. I was curious to see the Montessori Nursery, as they had moved into a new building. When entering the Montessori classroom it struck me so clearly that a Montessori school is so different to the traditional schools in more than one way!
There was such a strong atmosphere of cooperation between the children as well as between the teachers and between the teacher - child.
I realised that Montessori schools could offer so much in today's world!

It was a delight to feel the harmony, see the order, see the children between 3 and 5 years of age 
move happily around, concentrated on what they were doing. They hardly noticed me entering their classroom. One little girl came up to me and asked for my name, I told her and she nodded and went back to her "work". The teachers were calm, smiling and 100 % there! I felt like all my stress and tension as an adult, just vanished and I could have stayed all day!

Most prominent were the teachers, you could see they really loved their job. They were helping the children to feel good about themselves in such a loving way, guiding the children forward, helping them to bring out their full potentials.To be able to see the children as they really are is something that is only possible without adult egocentricity.

"To see the children as they really are will liberate the spirit of the child"
Maria Montessori

"The joy of teaching requires a high level of personal integrity....
the teacher must prepare himself interiorly by systematically studying himself 
so that he can tear out his most deeply rooted defects, 
those in fact which impede his relations with children" 
Maria Montessori, The Secret of Childhood

So the teacher needs to work on their own self-development such as the physical, intellectual, ethical, emotional and spiritual. We have to be open for changes. We must carefully examine our own views on life and on our prejudices.

Today we can easily do this with Mindfulness practises which is something anyone can do regarding what religious or spiritual practise one chooses or not chooses to follow.

Both The Montessori Method and Mindfulness training is Universal! 

What a wonderful way to follow when striving for Peace!
-Montessori and Mindfulness practise -

Maria Montessori pointed out that for the teacher to go through this inner, spiritual preparation is the most difficult part of her training and without which the rest is useless. The teacher has to get rid of pride and anger, the teacher has to cultivate humility and patience, self-examination and introspection, do daily reflections and most important - to believe in the child!
By going through this inner journey, we will feel and develop, as Maria Montessori described,  a ´new kind of love´ for the children in our care.

The role of a Montessori teacher is not stressful, it´s fun, interesting and certainly fills you with energy! The teacher presents the lessons, observes, supports, suggests, and redirects, influencing the children in a subtle and non-obtrusive way. She/he creates a delicate balance between leaving the children free to pursue their interests, yet leading and guiding them to new challenges and also showing the children how they can contribute to the making of a good community.

In order to find inspiration and new energy, we need to reflect upon our actions by taking time to be introspective and thoughtful. This we do in many different ways, some will practise meditation, some will do artwork, others will spend time in nature or do exercises.

Like Maria Montessori mentioned, we have to find regular, daily breaks to be introspective, sit quietly and you will find that peaceful place that is inside all of us! Studies shows that  by giving yourselves only10 minutes a day will work wonders!

Your focus will sharpen, your patience will grow and your heart will be filled with love.

Do not forget your daily counting of "golden nuggets", 
something for you to be grateful about 
- there are plenty of nuggets around if you look closely!