
Monday 27 June 2016

A brief introduction...

I am a Montessori teacher with 30 years experience of children aged of 0-9. I Also have experience of children with ADHD and other diagnosis. When attending a Mindfulness and MediYoga training for children from 4 years of age to adulthood, I came to realise that Mindfulness training together with Montessori theories will certainly help young families of today to experience more love and laughter in their life – it will also make everyday-life easier to cope with.

My intention with this blog is to:
  • keep the Montessori teachings alive and hopefully restore it to its originally dimension. 
  • empowering young parents to face life`s challenges with ease, by practising easy, short Mindfulness and Reflection exercises and simple Yoga postures (these you can enjoy together with your child/children). Even if you do not think you have the time for this I promise that everyone can do it…☺.  
  • Inform about scientific studies of child development. 
  • Give practical advise for when your child will not sleep, will not eat or having tantrums or just exhaust you! 
  • Give suggestions and ideas regarding different activities that is more favourable than others for your child/children's development!
Look forward to hearing from you…….

“All the things we offer to the child should serve his mind as keys, which allow him to open the doors of the universe which surround him”. 
"Creative Development in the Child", 
Maria Montessori.

The Montessori approach offers a broad vision of education as an aid to life and is the single largest teaching method in the world. It works and assist children and families in a variety of settings.
The Montessori Method is not affiliated with any religion or any political organisation.
The Montessori Method is there for everyone and her primary intention was Peace.
 Maria Montessori was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize for Peace.

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