
Saturday, 23 July 2016

The Environment and the Creative process

"As soon as the children find something that interest them, 
they lose their instability and learn to concentrate"
The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori

Of course, there are various ways for children to find stability and to enhance self confidence, one good example is when painting, drawing or making stuff.

Children between 4 - 7 years (the Pre-Schematic Stage),
is now conscious of what they are drawing.                      

The child draws "what he knows but not what he sees".

Ideally children should have the opportunity to create at all times. They should be free to select activity - using different materials, which should be easily accessible, so they can develop their independence, which leads to self-confidence!

Arrange a small table and/or an easel.           

Nearby fix a cupboard or shelf, with boxes or jars where to keep all the materials for creating.

  • Different pens, pencils, crayons, waterpainting, readymix, fingerpaint, flourescent paint. (top shelf, but still reachable)
  • Chubby paintbrushes, Bristle and Hoghair paintbrushes and watercolour paintbrushes
  • Different types and different colours of paper  
  • Scissors and glue - old cards (birthday/christmas) and old magazines are good and easy to cut and glue.
  • Pieces of wood and woodglue
  • Apron -  one that your child can easily put on by themselves - when you have showed them how!                                
Show him/her HOW to clean up and put things back in the right place, explain how easy it will be next time he/she is inspired to paint or create something.

Make them proud of having such a nice "creating cupboard/shelf"!

From 4 years of age, he/she usually draws humans and soon they start drawing animals, houses, trees and flowers. Of course the variation between children at this stage is often big. 

              At this time you will be able to see his/her thinking processes.

Find ways to inspire them!

Your role is of vital importance because now you can help to build up your child´s self confident
Both your language and your general attitude should be carefully considered.
  • Try not to interfere by directing or correcting him/her
  • Do not give him praise, unless he/she says "look what a lovely picture I have made...." because now we are encouraging intrinsic motivation, the child is not drawing because you want him/her to draw, but because he/she really wants to draw - the inspiration comes from within!
  • Encourage independence. Show him/her how to clean the paint brushes and how to put them back in the jar with the bristle pointing upwards.

  • When your child has finished and everything is cleaned up, take the time to talk about what he/she has created and display the work in an attractive way.

  • If your child draws or paints a lot everyday, is not possible to to display everything! Make a special box where he/she can keep his/her art - the child will soon forget about it, because for the young child it is not the result that counts - it is the "doing" that is important!
Tips on what to say to encourage your child is:

"Are you pleased with your....."    - if he/she is pleased, only then, do you give him praise.
"Would it be a good idea to...."
"Have you thought about......."
"What would you do next time..." 

Be involved and interested!

And you will find a child that is both harmonious, happy and independent and 
with a great self confidence!

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