There are many ways to help your child with his/her emotions!
If your child succeeds at what he/she is doing - show appreciation - not a price or a chocolate.
It is important to give your child approval for trying, not just for succeeding!
and tactful help, to show how to succeed later.
Tell your child that everybody has made mistakes or failed - that is how to learn!
For example, if you want to become a good rider you have to fall off your horse lots of times.
Anger, frustration, melt downs, tantrums......not only in your child but also in yourself....we are all humans!
Children are much more sensitive than adults, and the child finds adult anger very disturbing.
Of course, it is not good to bottle up your own frustration or anger, but it is not fair to expect your child to deal with it. Your child will certainly also, at times, be frustrated and angry - its normal!
Here you can help him/her by remembering how you dealt with your anger.
Ask yourself - "How do I deal with my frustration or anger? Do I count to ten, do I run round the block, do I cry, do I scream.........Does it help?"
If you wish to know more ways to control anger, frustration or how to deal with Life´s ups and downs, I can recommend you to join a Mindfulness Course.
In a stressful situation do the following Mindfulness exercise!
It is a quick and easy way of calming yourself down:
Close your right nostril with your thumb or finger, and start breathing in very, very, very slowly through your left nostril... a long deep breath in - all the way down into your stomach, which will expand - slowly, slowly, slowly let the air out, still through your left nostril, now your stomach will deflate - do this for a few minutes and you will feel the calmness.
Finish the exercise by taking a couple of deep very slow breaths through both your nostrils.
When you feel calm you will also think clearer and now you will find it much easier to deal with your frustration or anger.
"The breath is always with you. It is like a good friend who will always help you when you are having a hard time. Do not forget your friend". - Sara Emillione
Children from 8 years of age can do this exercise.
Apart from the above and apart from everything else, the best you can give your child is LOVE!
Does your child know that you love him/her, always will love him/her, will never leave because he/she has been naughty or has made mistakes?
The chances are that they will not know unless you tell them!
"Love is more than electricity which lightens up the darkness,
more than the waves that transmit our voices across space,
more than the energies that man has discovered and learned to use...".
The Child in The Family
Maria Montessori
"All that man can do with their discoveries depends on the conscience of him who uses this means, man will be able to hold together all that he creates with his hands and his intelligence. Without it, all he creates will turn to the bringing of disorder and destruction"
The Child in The Family
Maria Montessori
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